The Mission of the DZRSI

Master Okazaki

The mission of the

Danzan Ryu Seifukujitsu Institute 

is to ensure the preservation and promotion of the Danzan Ryu national healing arts program as envisioned and developed by Professor Henry Okazaki and his lineage.

Healing and Restoration

Professor Okazaki taught jujitsu and restorative therapy to his students, promoting the idea that the fighting spirit should be balanced by the healing spirit. From this tradition, many students of jujitsu have gone on to open jujitsu schools and/or restorative therapy businesses.

DZRSI continues a long tradition of passing Professor Okazaki’s legacy on to our students.

Non-jujitsu students are welcome to participate in the courses.

No martial arts background is required to achieve the full benefit of our courses.  

The Danzan Ryu Seifukujitsu Institute (DRZSI)

is a division of the

American Judo & Jujitsu Federation (AJJF)

The DZRSI was established to teach Danzan Ryu Restorative Therapy.